Gamer Friends

021: Caught Up in the Revolution

December 4th, 2018

Gamer Friends are taking it easy this episode on a light news week, “Logging On” with an update on the disastrous fallout from Bethesda’s Fallout 76 (sue us), Battlefield V’s struggling sales, Red Dead Online’s debut, and some upcoming expansions for Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and Destiny 2.

:These Past Two Weeks in Nerdom,” we are shocked and dismayed to hear of Daredevil’s cancelation at Netflix (and we’re still not done with season three), and in more frustrating news, Black Lightning showrunner and Neil DeGrasse Tyson deal with sexual misconduct allegations. We do have some good news in early reviews of Into the Spider-Verse, as well as promising trailers for Runaways S2 and Young Justice: Outsiders.

Finally, we’re revisiting Detroit: Become Human in “Party Chat” and celebrate Big Nkrumah’s new Playstation 4. We also make sure to at least run through the games we’re playing as well, although it’s a pretty familiar list.

We appreciate you tuning in, as always! Please rate and review if you like the show (thanks again to those that have!) and we’ll see you all in two weeks.

Relevant Links:

Odyssey's New Approach to Franchise Expansions

Bungie ViDoc: The Road Ahead (Year 2)

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